Monday, December 30, 2019

Preferred Abbreviation for United States (US or U.S.)

Even though the question of how to abbreviate  the  United States seems straightforward, as it happens, theres more than one preferred way to write it. But before getting into that, lets get it out of the way first to note that if your usage of the country name is a noun, spell it out rather than abbreviating it. If its an adjective, then how to do so becomes the question. (And obviously, if youre writing something formal, youll want to follow the style guide to which  youre assigned to adhere.) Use Periods In general, newspaper style guides  in the United States (in particular, the Associated Press Stylebook (AP) and The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage) recommend U.S. (periods, no space).  The American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual, which is used for writing academic papers, agrees about using the periods. In headlines under AP style, however, its  postal style US (no periods). And the abbreviated form of United States of America is USA (no periods).   Dont Use Periods—Sometimes Scientific style guides say to omit periods in capitalized abbreviations; thus render them  US  and USA (no periods, no spaces).  The Chicago Manual of Style (2017) agrees—but Chicago allows for exceptions: Use no periods with abbreviations that appear in full capitals, whether two letters or more and even if lowercase letters appear within the abbreviation: VP, CEO, MA, MD, PhD, UK, US, NY, IL (but see the next rule).In publications using traditional state abbreviations, use periods to abbreviate United States and its states and territories: U.S., N.Y., Ill. Note, however, that Chicago recommends using the two-letter postal codes (and therefore US) wherever abbreviations are used. So what to do? Choose either U.S. or US  for the piece youre writing and then stick with it, or follow the guidance that your instructor, publisher, or client prefers. As long as youre consistent in usage, neither way will look like an error. Legal Citations in Bibliographies, Footnotes, Etc. If youre using Chicago style and have legal-context citations in your bibliography, reference list, footnotes, or endnotes, youll use periods, such as in Supreme Court decisions, statute numbering, and the like. For example, when a law is incorporated into the United States Code, it has a U.S.C. designation, such as here, in this example note from Chicago: Homeland Security Act of 2002, 6 U.S.C.  § 101 (2012). In the case of Supreme Court decisions, theyre attributed to the  United States Reports  (abbreviated U.S.), like in this note: Citizens United, 558 U.S. at 322. Next, a  note referencing the U.S. Constitution is abbreviated U.S. Const. British Style Guidance Note that British style guides  recommend US (no periods, no space) in all cases: Do not use full points in abbreviations, or spaces between initials, including those in proper names: US, mph, eg, 4am, Ibw, MS, No 10, AN Wilson, WH Smith, etc. (Guardian Style, 2010). Because American and British styles differ, notes Amy Einsohn, CBE [Scientific Style and Format: The CE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers] recommends eliminating periods in most abbreviations as the most efficient way to create an international style (The Copyeditors Handbook, 2007).

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Logistics Management Supply Chain Management - 1341 Words

Logistics management is part of supply chain management, which deals with organizing, executing and directing efficiency in the movement of goods in and out of the manufacturer’s warehouse. On the other hand, a supply chain entails the sequence of all the modalities employed in the production and distribution of goods; it consists of parties involved either directly or indirectly towards the satisfaction of the customer. This paper discusses the business, as well as supply chain policies for any given organization employed towards supporting the business strategy. I have comprehensively discussed what ought to be done from the time the manufacturer gets his raw materials from the suppliers to the processing and delivery of the final†¦show more content†¦Strategic decisions made towards introducing new versions of a product that is already in the market, rationalizing the existing product or if a new variety of products are availed to the market. The overall objective of the firm ought to be the decisive factor when making strategic product development. Market Availability: Any company has to be able to identify key customers for its products at the strategic level. When strategic decisions are made by the company on products to be manufactured, there is need to know all their key customers where marketing ought to be done. On identification of key customers, the manufacturer is able to know their needs regarding the product. Manufacturing: Manufacturing decisions at the strategic level will be able to determine the infrastructure and technology employed. The company should be capable of drafting strategic decisions on how goods are manufactured basing on high level forecasting, as well as sales estimates. There might be need to put in place new manufacturing facilities to increase on the capacity of production if the current facilities’ production capacity cannot meet the current demand. Decisions may also include subcontracting if the company’s objectives include moving manufactured goods to overseas (exportation). Strategic supply decisions influence basing on environmental issues on corporate policy. The environmental issues should be able to give the manufacturer the social and economic influences of the

Logistics Management Supply Chain Management - 1341 Words

Logistics management is part of supply chain management, which deals with organizing, executing and directing efficiency in the movement of goods in and out of the manufacturer’s warehouse. On the other hand, a supply chain entails the sequence of all the modalities employed in the production and distribution of goods; it consists of parties involved either directly or indirectly towards the satisfaction of the customer. This paper discusses the business, as well as supply chain policies for any given organization employed towards supporting the business strategy. I have comprehensively discussed what ought to be done from the time the manufacturer gets his raw materials from the suppliers to the processing and delivery of the final†¦show more content†¦Strategic decisions made towards introducing new versions of a product that is already in the market, rationalizing the existing product or if a new variety of products are availed to the market. The overall objective of the firm ought to be the decisive factor when making strategic product development. Market Availability: Any company has to be able to identify key customers for its products at the strategic level. When strategic decisions are made by the company on products to be manufactured, there is need to know all their key customers where marketing ought to be done. On identification of key customers, the manufacturer is able to know their needs regarding the product. Manufacturing: Manufacturing decisions at the strategic level will be able to determine the infrastructure and technology employed. The company should be capable of drafting strategic decisions on how goods are manufactured basing on high level forecasting, as well as sales estimates. There might be need to put in place new manufacturing facilities to increase on the capacity of production if the current facilities’ production capacity cannot meet the current demand. Decisions may also include subcontracting if the company’s objectives include moving manufactured goods to overseas (exportation). Strategic supply decisions influence basing on environmental issues on corporate policy. The environmental issues should be able to give the manufacturer the social and economic influences of the

Logistics Management Supply Chain Management - 1341 Words

Logistics management is part of supply chain management, which deals with organizing, executing and directing efficiency in the movement of goods in and out of the manufacturer’s warehouse. On the other hand, a supply chain entails the sequence of all the modalities employed in the production and distribution of goods; it consists of parties involved either directly or indirectly towards the satisfaction of the customer. This paper discusses the business, as well as supply chain policies for any given organization employed towards supporting the business strategy. I have comprehensively discussed what ought to be done from the time the manufacturer gets his raw materials from the suppliers to the processing and delivery of the final†¦show more content†¦Strategic decisions made towards introducing new versions of a product that is already in the market, rationalizing the existing product or if a new variety of products are availed to the market. The overall objective of the firm ought to be the decisive factor when making strategic product development. Market Availability: Any company has to be able to identify key customers for its products at the strategic level. When strategic decisions are made by the company on products to be manufactured, there is need to know all their key customers where marketing ought to be done. On identification of key customers, the manufacturer is able to know their needs regarding the product. Manufacturing: Manufacturing decisions at the strategic level will be able to determine the infrastructure and technology employed. The company should be capable of drafting strategic decisions on how goods are manufactured basing on high level forecasting, as well as sales estimates. There might be need to put in place new manufacturing facilities to increase on the capacity of production if the current facilities’ production capacity cannot meet the current demand. Decisions may also include subcontracting if the company’s objectives include moving manufactured goods to overseas (exportation). Strategic supply decisions influence basing on environmental issues on corporate policy. The environmental issues should be able to give the manufacturer the social and economic influences of the

Friday, December 13, 2019

Autobiography †creative writing Free Essays

I was riding my bike chasing my mate like any 11year old kid dose when disaster strikes. It all started on a sunny Saturday morning when my friend Paul knocks at my house he said get your bike so I ask my mum if I could take it out, bad decision. So I went out, about four hours later Paul decides he wants to tease me so me being me couldn’t ignore him and chased him on my bike. We will write a custom essay sample on Autobiography – creative writing or any similar topic only for you Order Now I was just about to catch him when I went over a curb. The bike and me flew up in the air and somersaulted, I landed headfirst on to concrete then the bike fell on top of me, I screamed in pain Paul turned round and looked in shock for a few seconds. After he realised what had happened he ran in to get his mum. We lived close so when his mum came out he ran and got my mum dad. Paul’s mum came and put a pillow under my head by this time I was all most asleep. Every time I went to fall asleep Paul’s mum said, â€Å"wake up wake up†. My dad came running down while my mum rang for an ambulance for about ten minutes before the ambulance came they tried to keep me awake. When it finally came I blacked out. I have not got a clue what happened in the ambulance or when I got out of it. When I finally woke up it was about 4:30 p. m. , I still had not been seen by a doctor. When I did see a doctor he said that he would have to glue my head . I thought to myself â€Å"glue† I mean when you crack your head open you would think that you’d have stitches not glue. When he come back he said he would have to cut my hair . I thought to myself â€Å"first I crack my head open then I find out my head has to be glued and now I have to have my hair cut things could not get any worse. † So I had my hair cut head glued . By this time it was 6:30pm almost 4 hours after I did my flip on my bike and by this time I was absolutely exhausted I had been thought a lot in one day. How to cite Autobiography – creative writing, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Brand Management Reinforce Apple

Question: Describe about the Brand Management for Reinforce Apple. Answer: 1 B: Make recommendations to reinforce Apple over the next 12 months: There are certain strategies that should be considered by Apple to facilitate their business operation and sales with a year. Marketing communication strategy helps to increase the connection with customers that helps to increase the equity of the brand. In case of Apple, the goal of the integrated marketing strategy is to provide clear and concrete messages to the clients regarding the products and after sales service provided to service users. Therefore the company should focus on introducing lucrative content that assists the company to hold a strong position. Apple should endeavour to improve the advertising strategy to reach wide range of service users all around the world. The introduction of online marketing of the product aids to arrest the attention of large amount of end-users in the market. Therefore, Apple should focus on opening more online websites to reach the client of global market. It aids this technology company to attain the reviews of the clients. The feedback of the end-users motivates the business firm to incorporate highly advanced technology in the products. For example, Apple has recently launched iPhone 6 and the after sales reviews assist the company to address the success of their product in the market. Apple should focus on using social networking sites to make people aware of the newly launched products. It helps to increase customers knowledge regarding Apples products prevalent in the market. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and many more help to draw the interest of consumers all around the world. It reduces the cost of marketing that helps the company to invest more in the productivity. It also impacts upon the sales margin and profit ratio possessed by the company. For example, online promotion of Apple products increases the sales of companys technical products that increase their profit margin and share value in recent year. Apple should also focus on introducing small teams in the firm to monitor and regulate the function of different department present in the organisation. For instance, the research and development department of Apple has introduced small groups to increase the productivity of the company. Introduction of small groups help to observe the function of several departments such as logistic, sales, customer service and so on. The close observation might help the Apple to increase their service delivery system that affects the business performance and sales operation.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Othello Essays (315 words) - Othello, English-language Films

Othello Shakespeare's trajedy, Othello is a play based on passion unchecked. The desire for money, power, and love drive the characters to commit acts that betray any hint of rational thinking. Readers are given a taste of how passionate Othello is in Act Two, Scene Three. Now, by heaven, My blood begins my safer guides to rule, And passion, having my best judgement collied, Essays to lead the way. 'Swounds, if I stir. Christ's wound's if I stir? Othello knows he is a man capable of terrible destruction. Yet it is love that he is afraid of not mortal men. This emotion is not so powerful that he denies it? No. Instead he attempts to temper his love, yet this seems like a denial of being uxorious. When Othello lands upon the shore of Cyprus and sees his beautiful Desdemona he exclaims, I cannot speak enough of this content. It stops me here, it is to much joy. This joy of being in love stops his warrior heart. How can he not feel foolishy fond of his precious jewel. After the sword fight in Act Two, Scene Three Othello utters, in line 23, Cassio, I love thee. Is he not doting upon his handsome leiutenant? He loves these people, but instead of his love becoming his salvation, it is his Achille's heel. That love becomes a serpant that constricts around his heart and breaks it. The belief in alove turned sour is to much for poor Othello. Now he can never love. Othello will never become oversubmissive to his wife because he can only love as much as he sees he will receive in return. The answer to the question then appears to be that he is not uxorious because it is not allowed to bloom. The hateful seeds planted by Iago grow like weeds in Othello's mind and over take it. The gentle fruit of Desdemona and Cassio take to long to bear and are strangled out of existence. Shakespeare

Monday, November 25, 2019

Biography of Yohji Yamamoto

Biography of Yohji Yamamoto Free Online Research Papers Yohji Yamamoto was born in Tokyo, Japan on October 3, 1943. He originally attended Keio University, and graduated with a law degree. In 1966, he switched gears and headed towards the world of fashion by attending Bunka Fashion College. The main reason why he changed career paths was because his mother needed help with her dress store. He started out by making clothing for his mothers’ friends in the 1960’s.He worked as a freelance designer, and then opened his company in 1972. In the early 1970’s Yamamoto made his first clothing line, Y’s for women, and Y’s for men was created in 1979. He created his second collection, simply named Yohji Yamamoto in 1981 and three years later made his Pour Homme line. In the 1990’s he presented his signature perfumes for men and women. In 2003, he presented his ready to wear collection in New York Fashion week which was very successful. Adidas and Yamamoto joined in a collaboration to make shoes and sportswear. Prices Yamamoto works out of Japan with his designs touching every part of the world. His fashions touch in Haute Courture, but are mainly anchored in ready-to-wear. Some prices and styles of his clothing can be seen below: Mid length dress, $695.00 Button up blouse, $318.00 Casual trousers, $695.00 Yohji women’s’ perfume, $300.00 Styling Yohji Yamamoto’s clothing could be described as loose, unstructured, voluminous, and a consistent choice of black colors for his fabrics. He uses any fabrics from knits, cotton, linen, silk, wool, alpaca, viscose, leather and lace. His styles could be classified as both classic and trendy. His line for women and men, the Y’s, are considered classic as this line is made up of suits, dresses, button up shirts, trousers, and blazers. His clothing can also be trendy, such as the clothing in his Autumn/Winter collection. He features many long trench coats in bright colors like red, fuchsia, and blue, which moved the basic trench to a fun, bright fashion necessity. Some distinctive qualities of Yamamoto’s clothing are that they are unstructured, layered, lopsided collars, dark, bright, long and flowing, strange, but also elegant, and beautiful moving pieces of artwork. It sometimes is referred to as â€Å"anti-fashion.† Yamamoto not only designs clothing. He designs perfumes, shoes, handbags, and a few handbags. In 2002, Yamamoto and Adidas got together and created Y-3, Yamamoto’s sports line. It’s made up of jackets, sport shoes, baseball caps, messenger bags, and backpacks. He introduced his perfumes and cologne in the 90’s. His first fragrance was for a woman was released in 1996. Followed by that was cologne for men released in 1999. Also released that year was another fragrance for women called Essential. What makes Yamamoto so successful is his originality, grace, and braveness to try something new. He creates pieces of clothing that might look a little strange at first, but when you take a closer look and take it in, you see that it is actually more like a work of art. The frumpy, baggy pants become a vessel to carry the long train of the shirt as its sail. Extra Info Yamamoto is also a black belt in karate, and the head organizer of the World Wide Karate association. He has also been featured in a number of films exhibitions, and books. In his spare time, he plays the guitar in his own band, and drinks whisky. He owns 333 stores worldwide. He is known as the rebel of fashion. Research Papers on Biography of Yohji YamamotoHip-Hop is ArtAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementDefinition of Export QuotasMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductThe Fifth HorsemanMind TravelThe Spring and AutumnPersonal Experience with Teen Pregnancy19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraQuebec and Canada

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Maritime Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Maritime Economics - Essay Example h is to provide rapid customer response, location of services are convenient for access, and utilize up to date information technology to improving service operations (Osler 2012). The paper also intends to analyze longevity of technology based on competitive advantage and their importance and view of how to improve the competitiveness. 3 Maritime economics involves the integration of ocean transport and terminal management. The main goal is to provide an in-depth analysis of logistics services. A keen interest is on the way the logistics and maritime time related to economics which brings about the ocean transport business. It revolves around the focusing on the joint optimization of container terminals and liner shipping networks (Blecker & Kersten 2011). 4 Logistics in many contexts involves the delivery f goods and services with proper quality and quantity. Logistics depends on timely delivery and the destination of delivery. The most notable aspect of logistic is promptness of delivery because delay of any kind causes significant losses to the recipient of the consignment. Logistics traditionally depended on transportation only. Nowadays, it depends on reliable roads, and record keeping improved by higher technology, globalization, legislation, and integration. The logistics management comprises of material management, channel management, physical distribution, and it is pert of the whole supply chain management. Movement of goods is not the only logistics activities; it involves stock control in the warehousing systems and the movement of goods in the storage units (Martin 2009). Logistics forms a crucial area in supply chain and brings issues like planning, implementation, and effective management. 4 Many immerse growth activities realized in the logistics sector especially in the emerging economies. This shows a better future with third party providers. This growth realized in the area of logistics largely coming from third party providers such as

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Dream catchers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dream catchers - Essay Example Dream Catcher, a first nation Canadian-based organization that mainly export to China, identifies, assess, analyzing (developing controls and making various decisions in respect to risks), implementing controls, as well as supervising and evaluating the risk or hazard. These processes are essential in identifying the best way to deal with the problem. Whereas identification of risk within Dream Catcher involves defining the various types of hazards that the company is facing, analysis of risk entails understanding the likelihood of such hazardous aspects occurring within the business. Understanding the likelihood of risk happening within Dream Catcher involves the analysis of risk in terms of probability, frequency, and severity of the risks. In risk identification, Dream Catcher engages in activities that identify various stakeholders that are involved and likely to be affected by the occurrence of the hazard. Once risks and affected stakeholders are identified, there is monitoring and reviewing of the process coupled with communicating and consulting different stakeholders and branches within the Dream Catcher Company. Dream Catcher on the other hand, attempts to define the likely impact on the firm as well as the stakeholders. Such impacts may be economic, political, or social. Identification of economic, social, or political impact, consequence, or cost of risk within Dream Catcher Company is done during the analysis stage. Risk assessment refers to identification and assessment of the hazards an organization is facing individually (Crouhy, Galai & Mark, 2006). In most cases, organizations assess hazards collectively in a bid to reducing costs associated with applications of resources that help in reducing, eliminating, or transferring the risk. Dream Catcher uses the risk assessment matrix in order to estimate the degree of severity as well as the probability of the involved hazards. Risk assessment within Dream

Monday, November 18, 2019

International and Comparative Human Resource Management Essay - 5

International and Comparative Human Resource Management - Essay Example The rapid technological advancement has greatly influenced the change observed in the business environment. Organisations’ processes are constantly being re-engineered and delocalised because work can now be carried out both at home and in the office. The re-engineering process has reduced middle management levels as today’s lower level managers are faced with more work and decision making activities. The work processes have been restructured to comply with the existing technology in the business environment, fragmentation against departments has been reduced in an attempt to fasten decision making process and accomplishment of tasks, the quality and speed of strategy execution has been improved, employees are empowered and information flows swiftly within the organisation (Thakur 2001, p. 311). For instance Joel Salatin owner of the Polyface Farm in Virginia has adopted sustainable agricultural operations such as use of green technology to maintain the quality of his l and and animals. He is also able to meet the sophisticated demands of consumers that desire to use green technology products which are deemed to be safe as they cause less harm to the environment and their health. The business environment has been changed to a business of data by ‘formatting’ the workplace. Today workers manipulate data related to the products they are producing instead of the working materials. The communication technology has acquired a multiplier phase enabling all players in the business environment to get the same information simultaneously and thus react or act on it at the same time

Friday, November 15, 2019

Different uses for spreadsheets

Different uses for spreadsheets Spreadsheets Coursework There are many different uses for spreadsheets; the main use for spreadsheets is using basic formulas to work out various sums. They can also used to represent data graphically using graphs and charts. In this document I plan to explore the various uses for spreadsheets in different areas and focus on one specific area and look at the uses for a spreadsheet in that area and also I will look at some of the limitations that using spreadsheets can bring. One of the main uses for spreadsheets is in finance, businesses can use a spreadsheet to forecast sales, and show graphically how sales will rise or drop based on past events. Spreadsheets can also be used to work out interest rates and monthly payments based on variables such as time, i.e. 5 years, 10 years or amount borrowed and also both such as  £100,000 borrowed over 30 years. Another use for spreadsheets is in education, spreadsheets can be used to store students personal data along with grades and scores, this data can then be used to predict a students overall or average grade, this can also be used to forecast how they will do at higher levels. A spreadsheet can also be used to gather all pupils scores and represent the data in a chart displaying the pass percentages for the school. A spreadsheet can also be used to record pay records for staff of the school and when they get paid and how much they get paid. Other uses for spreadsheets are in Health Care; health organisations such as the NHS can use spreadsheets to record patients details for easy access by doctors and other staff. They can also be used to show the date they were admitted and the date they were signed out by a doctor. And the doctor that is treating them. This can also be useful to see what dates are busiest and other trends. And plan accordingly for the future. Spreadsheets can be used by shop keepers to keep detailed lists of their stock, how much the item costs and the bar code number of the item, the shop keeper can also record sales of each item in his/her stock and then use graphs to see what items are selling well, and also what items are not selling so that the shop keeper can then change stock accordingly. As spreadsheet can also be used for a shop owner to do their VAT and Tax returns at the end of each quarter of the year. Spreadsheets can be used in sports to record the team statistics, and then work out goal per game percentages, and also it can be used to keep a game roster, games played and also draw up graphs and charts that show team performance, it can also be used to get a players averages such as average goals per game, injuries per season and other vital statistics. Also making them alot easier to be read and interpreted by the user. The application area I have chosen to look into is Shop keeping: In shop keeping spreadsheet applications can be very useful in shop keeping as it can help a shop owner keep a detailed inventory of all the items in the shop keeping information such as availability and barcode number easily accessible. Shop keepers can also use spreadsheets to record sales of all of their stock. They can view what items are selling well, what are not selling at all and what items are sold out. This data can be used to make graphs, charts and tables this can be used by the shop keeper to decide what he needs to get more off, or what stock he needs to order less of, or stop ordering. This can also be useful for the shopkeeper to use when deciding what offers to put on certain items. Shop keepers can also use spreadsheets to calculate their finances; they can calculate daily profit or loss and also predict using past sales what should happen for the next few weeks months or years. They can also calculate their monthly, quarterly or yearly profits or losses and they can do their VAT and Tax returns for the financial years. Making it easier, quicker and more convenient with fewer mistakes. Another use for spreadsheets by shop keepers is keeping staff details stored for quick and easy hours, this also is a good way for managers or owners to see their wage expenses and also keep track on who is working what hours and also staff holiday bookings, this makes it easier than using a conventional book and allows comparison of data faster. Spreadsheets can also be used by shop keepers by using them to work out break even points if the shop keeper wanted to obtain loans from banks or investors for expansion or other reasons. One Spreadsheet use that would be useful for shop keepers is the tables, they can clearly block out their inventories and using the SORT tool they can sort the data in any way they want, from A Z to number values. They can also group data types together making it a clear more organised list than just typing it up in Microsoft word. Another use for spreadsheets that would be useful in shop keeping is graphs and charts, graphs can be used to represent sales, profit and loss and other numerical data in one or more simple graphs that are easy to read. Charts can be easier to show data such as hours available Vs hours used. And stock sold Vs stock left over or returned. Spreadsheets could also be useful by using formula to work out various sums such as adding, multiplying, subtracting or dividing various cells together which could be useful for shopkeepers to work out their profit or loss margins. They can also use other functions such as averages to save time by bypassing the need for a calculator. One of the main limitations of spreadsheets is that some charts and graphs can be unclear if there is too much detail or if 3D graphs are used as the data lines and plotting can be unclear along. The axis also needs to be clearly labelled to avoid confusion. Another downside to spreadsheets is it isnt great for word processing, anything more than a few words and any more than that Microsoft word should be used or for small paragraphs comments attached to the cell. Another downside to spreadsheets is that beyond basic arithmetic the spreadsheet software gets more complex and may require more help from someone trained in it. As some of the functions are not easily explainable this could take time. Another disadvantage is that creating tables and graphs can be complicated and getting them to look right can be time consuming. In conclusion, spreadsheets can help turn huge amounts of data into simple and easily interpreted. They can also be used to sort and group large amounts of data in tables and make them easier to read and explain. They also allow people to work out the average of a set of data and cast predictions along with basic arithmetic. However they can be complicated to use and sometimes very unclear.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Ghost Story of Vietnam Veteran Haunting Lakewood, Ohio Essay -- Urban

Vietnam Veteran Haunting Lakewood, Ohio Perhaps some of the best stories told are classified as urban legends. Urban legends have become a part of culture, and a way to tell stories. They can tell us things about ourselves and about how we lead our lives. They serve to entertain us, but can also teach us lessons, such as morals to live by. Urban legends are passed on between generations, and become a part of the oral history of a place. Whether the stories are true or not, urban legends are often taken to hold at least some truth about a culture. No matter how radical some of the stories may be, people often take the urban legends to be true. People may take these stories to be true simply for entertainment purposes, but mostly because the morals the stories teach are important. Urban legends can become a part of the place where they originate, and can help define a culture, and shape its history. There a number of urban legends from where I live in Cleveland, Ohio, but one struck me more than others. The man who told me the story had attended the same high school as I, St. Edward High School, an all-boy high school, in Lakewood, Ohio. Lakewood, Ohio is a suburb of Cleveland located directly on Lake Erie. It is a small town that does appear to have anything special about it. It was very hard to find an urban legend concerning this small town where I attended high school, but my friend’s father knew the perfect story. He was born and grew up in Lakewood, and so knew the area very well. He had not heard the legend before attending St. Edward, but heard it during his first week of high school. After that, the story became so common, that it did not seem weird to him. The students of the school simply seemed to acc... Vet from Lakewood became a famous story not only in the halls of St. Edward, but throughout the city of Lakewood. With the ghost of the vet haunting Lakewood Park, the entire city was haunted by the tale, with sightings of the ghost being made by many different citizens. However, the story is special to St. Edward because it is believed that the vet who committed suicide attended St. Edward High School before going to war. Urban Legends help to tell a history and share a culture with those who listen to them. The Legend of the Vietnam War Vet did just this. The story was easily relatable to kids of the area, as most kids either attended Lakewood High School or St. Edward. The story of the Vietnam Vet from Lakewood is one that has served to create a culture for Lakewood, Ohio, and is one which will live on in the city, and the halls of St. Edward High School.