Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Descriptive Essay About The Awakening - 1434 Words

The Awakening Greetings, I was twenty-four year Zach Adams, who lived a simple life. I wasn’t dating and I lived alone in a small apartment in Charlotte, North Carolina. Though everything changed overnight and I gained three lives overnight night. Therefore, prepare to hear how I lived three lives and lost my own. I had just been fired from my job because my company went bankrupt so it was a rough chapter of my life. I barely slept at night because the stress overfilled my mind and drenched all my dreams with insecurity. My body ached from this unknown, fear of what would happen and I felt like I hit rock bottom. I wasn’t getting any younger and I was still single, lonely, and very distant from my family from several fights years back.†¦show more content†¦Panick. I opened the refrigerator and nothing was present to accept a gallon jug of water and a half eaten bowl of beans. My eyes searched the room. Hours went by as I sat in a chair, hungry, sweating. I will not go outside. I will not go outside! There’s not a chance I would risk my life in this strange environment. The last thing I did was fall asleep in my apartment, the situation wasn’t adding up. Laying in the cramped enclosed room, I stared at my dark skin and smelt my body odor as sweat soaked me. After f ourteen hungry hours of uneasy thinking spots appeared in my eyes and the room starting spinning and before I could question it, I was out. â€Å" ...You†re the reason that he cries all the time!† I woke up to voices yelling and screaming at each other. The room was large and the air was cool. The furniture was fancy, including the bed which I hopped out of revealing silk pajamas on my body. I was a little boy! I screamed. Pacing didn’t fill this void of confusion, so I undressed and opened the closet to see slacks, vest, ties, and only name brand clothes. Sliding through the rack I grabbed a small collared shirt and put over a vest. After I was dressed I ran into the huge bathroom and combed my hair but I wasn’t planning on using this strangers toothbrush. I stared in the mirror looking at my childish face of hurt and disappointment. I walked out of the room and walked down the stairs to see two people, a manShow MoreRelatedEssay about Self-Analysis of Writing Process962 Words   |  4 Pagesbelieved that my writing skills were perfected down to the very word. I was in for a rude awakening. One of the major problems I met throughout my writing, was the difficulty to analyze and answer the questions on topic. I knew what message or idea I was trying to convey and assumed that the audience would know it too. I had a very difficult time trying to find the right words that would make up my essay. 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