Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay on Should Drug Use Be Decriminalized - 824 Words

Should Drug Use Be Decriminalized? To begin examining this statement, one should first examine what drugs purposes are and if they have a worthy enough purpose to be excepted into society. Drugs such as Marijuana have been legalized for strictly medical purposes only. Marijuana has been found to treat the nausea suffered by cancer patients and also treat the wasting of AIDS patients. Both fatal diseases with no cures. But what effects overall does Marijuana and other elicit drugs have and are these effects mild enough and worth subjecting to those who are non-terminally ill? The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign provides information and descriptions on the six most popular illegal drugs†¦show more content†¦Cocaine is an extremely addicted drug. It interferes with judgment and emotions and users can even become aggressive and violent. In few cases results in death, from either cardiac arrest or seizures leading up to respiratory arrest. Users are also unable to take care of themselves properly and suffer from malnutrition. The actual effect of cocaine is the killing of the brains nerve cells, resulting in a higher dosage needed each time to re-stimulate the brain. Ecstasy, which has rapidly been growing more popular at party scenes, is a synthetic drug with both hallucinogenic and amphetamine like properties. Ecstasy causes the heart rate to increase, increasing blood pressure, nausea, blurred vision, faintness, chills, sweating, confusion, depression, sleep problems, craving, severe anxiety, paranoia, and psychotic episodes. If that isnt already overwhelming enough, add to the fact that ecstasy not only kills the nerve branches in the brain, but also makes them re-grow abnormally,(reconnecting in other and wrong areas). These reconnections may be permanent which results in changing emotions, learning disability, memory, and hormone abnormalities. Heroin is an depressant that can be smoked, inhaled, or injected under the skin or in a vein. Low doses of heroin have such effects that depressShow MoreRelatedVictimless Crimes Not To Be Decriminalized Essay1120 Words   |  5 PagesVictimless crimes, the illegal act(s) that involves consenting adults and lacks a complaining participant, have been the topic of heated debate for some time now (Kendall, 2014). This debate centers primarily on the question as to whether these acts should be crimes at all. The arguments take several forms. One of the controversies involves the importance of personal freedom versus society’s idea to uphold moral standards. A second issue addresses the problem of the conception of harm. People whoRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1331 Words   |  6 PagesWar On Drugs Decriminalization provides a solution the problems related to drugs. 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